Acho of war

This painting by Solodka stands as a poignant reflection of a generation forced to endure the ravages of a war unleashed by Russia upon Ukraine and the world. The destruction feels unbearable, echoing through the souls of those who have lost loved ones, and in the eyes of children who long for the embrace of their missing parents and the lives that have been shattered.

The hand, gently resting, symbolizes both loss and the absence of support, a haunting reminder of the human vulnerability in the face of such chaos. Yet, in the child's figure, there lies a profound hope. This child embodies a new generation, one that holds the potential to rise above the scars of war and strive for a future where life on this planet may be lived with greater compassion, wisdom, and unity. The child's presence speaks to the resilience of the human spirit, the hope that even amidst destruction, there is a possibility for renewal, for healing, and for a better world to emerge.

This painting urges us to remember that in the hands of the next generation rests the power to shape a future where peace, not war, defines humanity's journey.

22.000,00 kr.
© 2022 SOLODKA. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.
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